
A Letter to My Beautiful Black Daughter,

I am writing you today, on your first birthday. You are one of the most beautiful, sweet, joyful little girls I have ever laid eyes on. You are witty and have an amazing sense of humor. I see you now and I see your future. I know you will change the world with your presence alone. When you walk into a room your smile will shift the atmosphere. Your influence will change hearts for the better and your impact on people will be like no one else.

As you go through life as a young black girl I hope you remember these truths:

YOUR HEART: Though it may sound cliche, your heart is the most beautiful part about you. Don’t let the world make your heart hard. People may not understand you or you may not “fit in”, but know that you are royalty. There may be situations where people don’t accept you. I know that firsthand, but know that doesn’t change who you are, instead that means they need to change who they are.

YOUR BROWN SKIN: Brown is beautiful. Your differences make you who you are. Don’t let anyone look down on you or make you feel any different. You are not too dark or too light. You are the perfect shade.

YOUR CURLY HAIR: Each twist and turn paints a beautiful picture of who God created you to be. You don’t have to straighten your hair to conform, or tame your mane for anyone. If your job doesn’t accept it – LEAVE IT! If your friends don’t like it – they are NOT real friends. If your boyfriend has opinions – tell him off. Your hair is not up for debate. It is perfect in every way.

DREAM BIG: If no other black woman has done it before, don’t worry, BE that black woman! Push boundaries. Be the first! Being educated and speaking proper does not mean you’re “acting white”.


LOVE HARD: No matter what the world throws at you, throw LOVE back. Don’t let the hurt and pain you may experience make you closed off to the world. You can’t control others but you can control yourself. Be light in this dark world and know your purpose is far greater than anything anyone can bring your way.

KNOW YOUR WORTH: You are a Child of God. You were made in the IMAGE of God. No words or actions will EVER change that.

I am so excited to walk this life with you. As your mom, I know that life won’t always be perfect, but we will ride the waves together.

My Beautiful, Sweet, Joyful Black Girl.

I love you.


September 18, 2020

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