Kingdom Consciousness 

This is a candid conversation between my spirit and soul. 

My spirit says I am a King raising kings.

My DNA confirms I am a direct descendant of Pharaohs. 

I am to think of my legacy of no less than one hundred years.

You are to own, operate, and control your own business. 

You are an example of the Black Economic Colonization mindset.

You are to have formal education but also be self educated.

You are to study the greats to expound on their thoughts.

You are to be well versed in international literature and culture.

You are to develop a limitless imagination and seek to innovate solutions.

You must study body language and master the language of numbers.

You must balance your IQ and EQ.

You are to listen very closely to the hearts of men and speak less. 

Don’t be afraid to be the smartest person in the room, so you can help more people.

Know that you are made in the image of God and are an ambassador of His Kingdom in Christ. 

Know that you were born with a gift that is hidden in your talent. Develop that talent to a skill, master your craft, and present it to the world.

Never forget that love is undefeated. There is no plan b!

This is Kingdom, this is legacy, this is me.

My soul says to my spirit, so be it! 

Be blessed and conquer!


January 22, 2021


  1. Eric HORICE

    January 15, 2021

    Love the site big bro

  2. Kimberlynne Lightner

    January 15, 2021

    Simply Amazing!!!

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